April 1, 2022
Successful remote medical coder

How to be a Successful Remote Medical Coder

By Janine Mothershed

Who doesn’t want to be able to work remotely? This is the new wave and very common nowadays. Medical Coding adapts itself well to work remotely due to the nature of the job. It can be done without continuous interaction with others and also with no supervision for the expert coder that is well versed in the field. Your sole limitation in terms of professional advancement is your own determination. Working from home can be one of the big perks of being a Certified Professional Coder (CPC). Many find remote jobs easier as they do not have to leave the house. Others may find it distracting or have trouble focusing on their career from home. Here are some ways to be an effective remote Medical Coder.

Tip 1: Make Your Way to Success Through Communication

Communication is one of the most important aspects of your job as a remote coder. Although it is not needed every moment. You must be available when you are on the clock. Remote workers should be accessible to answer any questions posed by your supervisors or medical professionals. Failure to do so quickly indicates that you may not be invested. Both the physicians and establishment need you to have strong communication to ensure precise reimbursement. This will help reduce complaints and keep everyone on the same page.

Tip 2: Are You Following the “Remote Work Golden Rules”?

Follow these “Golden Rules” of remote work:

  • Be goal-oriented.
  • Maintain self-control.
  • Get up at the same time every day and dress as if you are going in to work. Establish your work hours.
  • Manage your time wisely.
  • Maintain your organization.
  • Keep your home office separate from the rest of the house.
  • Be well versed in video calls using your employers desired platform, such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Tip 3: Establish a Zen-like Work Environment

When thinking about working from home, you must first determine where you will spend most of your time. Here is a compiled list of some of the most common items that you should keep in mind when creating the best work environment at home.

The Ultimate Home Office Checklist:

  • An office with a closable door
  • A computer that operates smoothly
  • Fast internet connection
  • A larger desk with drawers
  • A comfy chair with great back support
  • A window with lots of bright sunlight
  • Reference guides and coding books
  • Headset and phone with speaker
  • Snacks
  • Small refrigerator

Your office is now ready to code from the comfort of your own home.

Tip 4: Keep your Disturbances to a Minimum

Three of the major disruptions of remote Medical Coders are:

1) Family Disruptions – Treat this like any other job that your children or spouse would not be present for.

2) Friends- They may be knocking on the door, calling or texting you.

3) Doing Chores- Do your chores after work.

When you begin to work remotely, tell your friends and family that you must not be interrupted, (except for urgent calls). If your neighbors ask you to supervise the air conditioning guy while they are gone, you should decline. Medical Coders must assert themselves and make it clear to everyone what the boundaries are. This may be easier said than done, stand your ground. You must constantly remind yourself to remain focused and that you are fortunate enough to work from home.

Tip 5: Know your Weaknesses

This is rather important with any career. Figure out the top things that you will struggle most with. Self awareness is critical to be cautious about your struggles and try hard to focus on bettering them. Know what time of the day that you are most productive during and focus on your most important tasks at that time. Be sure not to leave everything to the last minute.

If you are just starting out with the thought of getting the certifications that you need to become a Medical Coder, we would be happy to get you started in the process. We offer scholarships for FREE Medical Coding Certification and training. APPLY NOW.

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