June 17, 2024

Maintaining AAPC CPC Certification with CEU’s

By Janine Mothershed

Maintaining Your AAPC CPC Credential: Understanding CEUs and Their Importance

As a certified medical coder holding the AAPC CPC (Certified Professional Coder) credential, staying current with Continuing Education Units (CEUs) is crucial. These CEUs not only fulfill AAPC’s requirements for maintaining your certification but also ensure you stay updated with the latest developments in medical coding and compliance. Here’s everything you need to know about CEUs and how they contribute to your professional growth and credential maintenance:

For a two-year renewal period, there is a minimum amount of 36 education hours that must be met to complete your CEU requirements for a CPC credential.

What are CEUs?

CEUs are educational credits earned by participating in qualified educational programs that meet AAPC’s standards. These programs are designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in medical coding, billing, compliance, and related healthcare fields. Each CEU typically represents one hour of instruction or participation in an approved educational activity.

Why are CEUs important?

    1. Credential Maintenance: AAPC requires CPC-certified coders to earn a certain number of CEUs within a specific timeframe (usually every two years) to maintain their certification. This ensures that coders remain current with industry trends, guidelines, and best practices.
    2. Professional Development: CEUs offer opportunities to expand your knowledge beyond basic certification requirements. They allow you to deepen your understanding of complex coding scenarios, new regulations, emerging technologies, and other relevant topics in healthcare.
    3. Career Advancement: Many employers value ongoing education and certification maintenance. Accumulating CEUs demonstrates your commitment to professional growth and competency in medical coding, potentially opening doors to career advancement opportunities.

      Requirements for maintaining your certifications

      1. Pay your AAPC Membership dues annually.
      2. Abide by the AAPC Code of Ethics.
      3. Complete the required number of CEUs based on the number of certifications you hold.

      Number of CEUs required every two years

      All AAPC-certified members are required to obtain CEUs every two years. The number of certifications you hold increases the number of CEUs required:

      Specialty Credentials: If you hold specialty credentials in addition to your CPC, you may have specific CEU requirements related to those specialties.

How to Earn CEUs

  1. Attend AAPC-Approved Workshops and Conferences: AAPC offers numerous workshops, webinars, and national conferences where you can earn CEUs while learning from industry experts. AAPC workshops.  https://www.aapc.com/workshops/   AAPC Conferences https://www.aapc.com/training/events.aspx
  2. Online Courses and Webinars: Many AAPC-approved online courses and webinars provide flexible learning options that fit into your schedule. AAPC webinars. https://www.aapc.com/membership/webinar.aspx
  3. Local Chapter Meetings: Participate in AAPC local chapter meetings, where you can earn CEUs while networking with other professionals in your area. https://www.aapc.com/localchapters/ Facebook group for local AAPC Chapter meetings. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1361498737698743
  4. Self-Study: AAPC allows a portion of your CEUs to be earned through self-study activities, such as reading approved coding textbooks or taking online quizzes such as AAPC’s monthly magazine. https://www.aapc.com/publications/healthcare-business-monthly/archive.aspx
  5. Specialty Credentials: If you hold specialty credentials in addition to your CPC, you may have specific CEU requirements related to those specialties.

Reporting and Documentation

It’s essential to keep accurate records of your CEUs, including certificates of completion or attendance. AAPC provides an online portal where you can track and submit your CEUs for verification. Be sure to report your CEUs before your certification expiration date to maintain your CPC credential without interruption. AAPC CEU Tracker.https://www.aapc.com/memberarea/account/ceutracker.aspx

Maintaining your AAPC CPC credential through CEUs is not just a requirement but a valuable investment in your career as a medical coder. By staying informed about industry changes and expanding your skills, you demonstrate your commitment to excellence in healthcare coding. Take advantage of AAPC’s resources and educational opportunities to fulfill your CEU requirements and keep your CPC credential current.

For more information on CEU requirements, upcoming events, and approved educational opportunities, visit the AAPC website or contact your local AAPC chapter. Stay proactive in your professional development to thrive in the dynamic field of medical coding.



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