May 22, 2024
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How to Get a Medical Coding Certification

By Janine Mothershed

Your Guide to Medical Coding Certification

Are you looking for a way to boost your income? Or perhaps you’re craving a career change that offers flexibility and stability? Maybe you dream of working from home, setting your own schedule, and making a meaningful impact in healthcare. A career in medical coding could be the answer to all three questions, but how do you get medical coding certification?

What is Medical Coding?

Medical coding is the backbone of the healthcare industry. It involves translating medical diagnoses, procedures, and services into universal alphanumeric codes used for billing, insurance claims, and data analysis. Think of medical coders as the translators who ensure healthcare providers get paid accurately for the care they provide.

As a medical coder, you’ll help keep medical records updated, understand different medical services, and learn medical terminology that would give most people headaches. Annual salaries can reach up to $50,000 or more depending on how much experience you gain.

How to Choose the Best Medical Coding Training Program?

Finding the right medical coding certification program is crucial for your success. Look for training programs that offer comprehensive coursework and hands-on coding system training. Consider factors like program reputation, instructor expertise, and support services. Online CPC courses, certified by reputable institutions such as the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), provide flexible learning options tailored to your schedule.

How Do I Prepare for the CPC Exam?

Preparing for the CPC exam requires dedication and focus. Start by familiarizing yourself with the AAPC curriculum, which covers essential topics like CPT, ICD-10-CM, and HCPCS Level II coding. Take advantage of online resources, practice exams, study guides, and Facebook groups such as Coding Clarified’s group Medical Coding Forum or Medical Coding for Newbies to reinforce your knowledge and sharpen your coding skills.

What Are the Different Medical Coding Certification Options?

There are various medical coding certification options to choose from, including Certified Professional Coder (CPC), Certified Coding Specialist (CCS), and Certified Coding Associate (CPC). Each certification serves a unique role in the healthcare industry, so research your options carefully to determine which best aligns with your career goals.

Medical Coding Certification FAQS

What is the Cost of Medical Coding Training?

Many medical coding training programs offer flexible payment options, including installment plans and financial aid opportunities. Additionally, consider the long-term return on investment that a career in medical coding can provide. Make sure to check everything that is offered when looking at medical coding certification classes.

Do they include books and other resources, the exam fee, internship opportunities, and one-on-one help? Do they concentrate on coding, or is it a combination of medical billing and coding? Coding Clarified includes all of the above in our tuition and is strictly a medical coding program. You won’t be spending a minute learning about billing. We’ll also help you find medical coding education grants offered in 30 states.

How Long Does Medical Coding Certification Take?

Online medical coding certification programs offer flexibility, allowing you to study at your own pace and balance your studies with your existing commitments. The Coding Clarified program is an 80-hour course that is usually spread out over 16 weeks. However, some of our students finish sooner while others can take up to a year to complete the course. 

Will I Be Able to Find a Job After Getting Certified?

The demand for medical coding jobs continues to grow, with opportunities available in hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, and remote work settings. Certification enhances your employability and opens doors to diverse career pathways–but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. 

Coding Clarified offers all alumni medical coding internships once they finish the course, take the certification exam, and complete the Practicode Module. After the internship, you will have TWO years of required experience to remove the A (apprenticeship) from your CPC credential. And that’s attractive to employers when the keyword CPC is needed to get your resume seen by more potential employers.

Do I receive support during my medical code certification training?

Reputable medical coding programs offer mentorship, tutoring, and access to support communities to assist you throughout your certification journey. At Coding Clarified, you’ll always have one-on-one access with coding-certified instructors. Our whole reason for being here is to get you certified and then get you hired!

Embark on Your Medical Coding Certification Today!

With the right medical coding training and certification, you can unlock endless possibilities in the dynamic field of medical coding. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom seeking financial independence, a career changer pursuing new horizons, or someone craving the flexibility of remote work, medical coding offers a fulfilling path where you can thrive. Take the first step toward your future today and embark on a rewarding career that empowers you to make a difference in healthcare!

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